Deltag i international undersøgelse om rettigheder – frist 21. juni

Vi opfordrer alle medlemmer til at deltagelse i undersøgelsen ”Study on Contractual Practices affecting the Transfer of Copyright and Related Rights and the creators and producers’ ability to exploit their rights’”, som har EU kommissionen som afsender.

Dette for at understøtte det store arbejde om at sikre rettigheder og betaling for rettigheder for vores kunstnergrupper, der pågår i Danske Scenografer og i øvrige kunstnerforbund. Undersøgelsen skal bl.a. kortlægge de forskellige landes praksis om bl.a. overdragelse af rettigheder.

Der er frist for at deltage på fredag, den 21. juni 2024. Deltag via linket her – https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/DGCNECT_Copyright_Survey. Spørgeskemaet tager ca. 10 minutter at udfylde, og Danske Scenografer har naturligvis udfyldt skemaet på foreningens vegne.

Her er invitation fra EU Kommissionen:

Participate in an EU-wide Survey for Authors and Performers on Contractual Practices – Share Your Insights! 

 Are you an author and/or performer in creative sectors, such as Music, Audiovisual, Literary Works, Visual Arts, and Videogames? Share your insights by participating to an EU-wide survey on contractual practices!  

 We are pleased to invite you to take part in an EU-wide survey launched in the context the Study on contractual practices affecting the transfer of copyright and related rights commissioned by the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT). 

 Overall, the study aims at: 

  • gathering information and evidence on the contractual practices involving a transfer of copyright or related rights and assessing their impacts; 
  • mapping the applicable rules at international, national and EU level and analysing these contractual practices from a legal point of view; and 
  • identifying possible avenues to address the issues identified in the study. 

 As part of the study, an online survey mainly targeting authors and performers across all creative sectors has been launched with the aim of capturing trends in contractual practices on the transfer of rights and assess the impact of such practices on authors and performers.

 The survey is accessible at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/DGCNECT_Copyright_Survey  

 It only takes around 10/15 minutes to complete and is available in English.  

 The survey will remain open until this Friday 21st of June.  

 Your experience and knowledge are crucial to understanding the dynamics of contractual practices and their impact on authors and performers. Do not miss the opportunity to have your say!